

Saturday 11 May 2019

5 Blogging Rules to Make Real Growth and Money

Are you a blogger? Or planning to start a Blog or website? Then definitely you have an imagination and planning about your blog. But this is not enough to grow your blog.

Every blogger has a wish that when he published an article in the blog, he wants thousands of views and hundreds of Comments and shares. But this is possible but not easy.

In this article, I’m sharing some useful tricks and methods to make your blog became popular and grow very well. There is the article that nobody ever shared on any website or blog.

So read it till the end and make a proper plan for your website.

1. Be On Track

Every blogger had to reach to customers fast as can. Simply said, a beginner blogger starts a blog to make money. But he tries to make it quick as possible.
Remember, Blogging is a slow method to earn money online. There is no shortcut to fasten up this. Many bloggers had to wait for around one to two years to create a steady visitor base. Even many big bloggers had to wait for this. So don’t get frustrated. Write and run the bloging steady mode. Don’t run for quick progress. Because it doesn’t happen. Post on a regular period and keep building an audience base through social media.

2. Writing is not a Big Problem.

In blogging every blogger complaint against their writing. “ I’m not a professional writer. I can’t write an error-free article. Then how I became a successful blogger?”

Simply said Writing is not only deciding the success of the blog. There is a lot of things apart from writing. So forgot your writing complaints and try to improve it.

At the same time keep your eyes on SEO and improving your blog quality.

3. Make it Reach to Correct Audience.

Yes, Content distribution holds a major part in the success of your blog. Deliver your content to the right persons or audience.

For example, if you write a blog post about automobile then share it to a tech Facebook page. Let’s think about how many peoples are going to see your post? But if you share it on an automobile based Page it will bring more customer to your website.

Like this share your post to your targetted audience only. Else it will be taken out as spam took tally uselessly.

4. Blogging is a Regular Work

Blogging is not a robot. You need to work on it to earn money. Working on your blog regularly makes good growth on it and make a decent amount of income from it.

Daily update your posts. At least share it on social media twice a day. Write guest posts and make backlinks

This makes your website live and shows on search engine advice

5. Advice does not work unless you do

This is not only for the blog, but also it helps in your regular life also. You can read thousands of posts about “How to get more visitors?” or “ How to make money online?” But these are not works unless you do.

This type of tutorials and guides are just for reference only. Work hard or smart based on these guides. Above all your experience will give a great treasure for you.

Thanks for Reading, Happy Blogging.

Share and stay tuned.

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